• May 29, 2024

Discovering the Wonders of West Sumatra

 West Sumatra is a magnificent enclave of culture, activity and natural wonder all wrapped up in one. If you’re looking for a blast of natural beauty, a sprinkling of time-honored traditions and a generous helping of good times all rolled into one, West Sumatra has you covered. In the following, we explore all it has…

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Keep Your Houseplants Alive: A Healthy Indoor Plants Guide

Introduction Having greenery in your home can change your life. It brings color, purifies air and, if studies are to be believed, makes you feel happier. What’s not to like? Well, keeping it convinced to stay alive, that’s another matter. Turns out, you can be a plant whisperer – and here’s how … Choosing the…

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Before We Dream About Eating In A Golden Plate, Now We Can Eat The Golden Food

What is Edible Gold?  What does gold taste like? Edible gold sounds like a better term than gold taste, and anyway I want to eat my words What is edible gold? Edible gold is exactly what it sounds like: gold that’s safe to eat. It’s a sumptuous extra that you find in top-end food and…

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Coffee Alternatives for a Healthy Energy Boost

Introduction Trying to find an adrenaline boost to get you through the morning that won’t shock you with a jittering uncomfortable coffee crash? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five amazing coffee alternatives that will also boost your health!  Why Look for Coffee Alternatives? Coffee rules, but sometimes it just pays to…

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Bird’s Nest Soup: A Food Made of Saliva?

Introduction to Bird’s Nest Soup  It is a food made of the saliva of swallows – a blessing of nature and humanity Unfortunately, bird’s nest soup is not about nests made from birds themselves; these duck’s skin expressions do depict some kind of Asian sock creation, but really it is a soup likely from East…

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The Ultimate Guide to Manuka Honey

 Manuka honey is one-of-a-kind. It’s a super food but also a super psychedelic. It’s the juice of the Manuka tree, and a unique molecular makeup that gives it a distinct flavour and makes it beneficial as a folk medicine. But what makes Manuka honey so special? It’s not just honey. Origins of Manuka Honey  It…

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Health Tips for Adults

Introduction Being healthy isn’t only about looking good but also about feeling good. In this article, we will provide you with essential health tips that every adult must know. Think of it as a checklist on how to keep your body and mind healthy. Importance of Health in Adulthood Adulthood is often a time when…

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What are Dental Braces?

Introduction Hey, hope you don’t mind me butting in, but I have a question: tell me about the ‛plates’ wired to your teeth. What are those things for? And why is your friend wearing them? If this sounds familiar, it probably is. Scour the internet for guides about orthodontic dental braces, and this – more…

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Understanding PCOS: A Comprehensive Guide

What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is an endocrine disorder that affects a significant percentage of women of reproductive age. It is characterised by oligomenorrhoea (infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods), hyperandrogenism (excessive androgen levels), and polycystic ovaries (ovaries with multiple cysts). Sounds scientific, but essentially you have an endocrine disease that means your ovaries are…

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What is a Proper Skin Care Routine?

Introduction Taking care of your skin – the largest barrier between you and the outside world – is like cultivating a garden. You’ll need some basic tools, a sense of timing and a little bit of patience to watch it blossom. But does all the parade of products and advice leave you wondering where to…

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding and Managing the Journey

Alzheimer’s disease is known as the long goodbye. Seen as the definitive dementia, it slowly erases memories and abilities, altering the very way someone lives. In this article, we discuss what Alzheimer’s is, its symptoms, causes, and also how to manage it. What is Alzheimer’s Disease?  Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, often fatal disease that…

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AI vs. Human

Introduction Welcome to the AI vs Human debate. The world of technology is rapidly evolving. Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a rapid pace, and if the current pace remains consistent, there is no reason why we can’t expect technological singularity very soon. If you’re wondering what technological singularity is, by 2045, all our electronic…

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How long should a workout take?

Introduction Have you ever wondered how long you need to be in the gym before you see a benefit? You aren’t alone. Here’s what you need to know about how long your work out is supposed to be. Why Workout Duration Matters Time spent working out is important because it affects the results or benefits…

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What is Digital Products?

Introduction Digital goods are any products you cannot hold physically and use from digital devices instead — from e-books to software, online courses or even digital art. Isn’t that cool? You can enjoy them anytime, anywhere and from any internet-connected device. But that’s still scratching the surface. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly…

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Shawarma: A Delightful Journey Through Flavors and Cultures

Foodgeeks of the world, make way for my favourite marinated, juicy, spicy street snack. You might already know it as shawarma, and if you don’t, prepare to develop an uncomplicated, unabashed love for this food of the people. You might already have your own favourite place to get shawarma, but wouldn’t it be fun to…

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Causes of Infant Sudden Death and How To Avoid It

 Welcome to the latest Daddy’s Office, a no-nonsense look at what your baby shouldn’t be doing. Today, we address a very serious subject that intersects with our last column on cot death: baby sudden death. It’s another of those things that you would rather not think about if it weren’t for the fact that if…

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What is marketing business strategy?

Introduction Have you ever wondered why some businesses are thousand times more successful as others? Have you ever wondered why some companies own such a large share of the market while others struggle? Have you ever wondered which one of these millennial businesses is going to be the next Apple? They all have an UNFAIR…

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Dell Latitude 9430 Vs Acer Swift 5: Which One Do You Prefer?

 It’s easy to find yourself confused as to which laptop to choose. For starters, there are simply a lot of models on the market. In this article, we’ll delve into the tangle of specifications and compare two products in particular: the Dell Latitude 9430 versus the Acer Swift 5. Let’s see which one is the…

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How would you describe your personal blog?

Introduction OK, how does my blog work? You’re interested in that, aren’t you? Good, let’s delve in together. There’s more to it than words on a screen with some pictures. The Purpose of My Blog Defining My Blog’s Mission My blog’s mission is simple. I’ll share with you what I did, what I learned, what…

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Rolls-Royce Boat Tail: The Most Expensive Car Today

The Allure of the Rolls-Royce Boat Tail   The Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is not just a car but the epitome of bespoke luxury. Snippets of its elegance are caught in this interview. A Masterpiece of Automotive Art  Inspiration and Design Philosophy   The inspiration comes from the lines of a J-Class yacht; from the tradition of the…

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The Buzz About the $10,000 Burger

 Do you know of $10,000 burger in Dubai? Everybody is talking about it! But what is it about? What is so unusual or special in that patty? Let’s see. Origins of the $10,000 Burger The Culinary Visionaries  The resulting extravaganza was the creation of a team of high-profile chefs in Dubai, noted for their penchant…

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Matsutake Mushroom: A Culinary and Cultural Treasure

 Matsutake mushrooms, which are known as the ‘King of mushrooms’ for their culinary appeal and cultural importance, are next up for a deep dive. Follow along as we learn about the history, habitat, culinary uses and more of matsutake. Historical Significance  Matsutake for generations have been a sign of autumn in Japan, gifted for the…

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The Amazing Benefits of Avocado

 Have you often wondered why avocados are the in-thing these days? Granted, they taste amazing, but it’s not just the flavour – this green, creamy bit of nature is packed with nutrition and health benefits. Nutritional Profile of Avocado Essential Nutrients  Avocados are nutritional dynamos. Vitamins C, E, K and B-6, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic…

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Let’s Visit Danakil Depression The Hottest Place On Earth!

 Standing on the edge of a landscape, which could be another planet where soil crunches beneath your feet fizzing in the sun and the colours are so intense they are almost unreal, we are on one of Earth’s most extreme places. This article takes you through its features, its inhabitants and the experiences that will…

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What are the most famous international foods?

Introduction What is your favorite food? What about your favorite food from another country and culture? If you want to explore some of the world’s most beloved global foods, then this is a text you’ll want to read to the very end. To whet your appetite, we’re going to take you on a tour of…

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Discovering the Wonders Of Socotra Island

 Have you ever been to a place so strange that you feel like you are on another planet? My name is Faiz Al Hwamei. This is Socotra Island. I want to take you on a journey to a land where unusual things and incredible creatures thrive. Socotra Island is part of Yemen and is a…

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What is the best Business?

Introduction Finding the best business can be like finding a needle in a haystack: there are so many to consider, your head can spin. So, where do you even begin? Hey there, Here’s our approach to finding the right business for you. Stay awhile and let’s walk through the process of learning what the best…

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Let’s Visit The Enchanting Landscape Of Cappadocia

 Cappadocia, a place I am certain is a fairytale creation. A fantastical land of towering rock formations with ancient cave dwellings and hot air balloons of every hue and depth drifting in the sky. I am sure it’s real and bound to be amazing.  Fairy Chimneys  One of Cappadocia’s trademark sights, these fairy-chimney shaped rock…

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Understanding Cervical Cancer

 Cervical cancer might sound scary, but once we’ve all got our head around what exactly it is, I think you’ll agree that the more we know, the less scary it becomes, and the better equipped we’ll all feel to deal with it should we find ourselves among those women who find themselves in the situation…

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What is the importance of history?

Introduction What’s up? Ever wonder why history is a big deal? Yes, it’s about dates, events and famous people, but it’s so much more than that. Let’s explore why understanding history is such a great deal. Understanding History Defining History What, then, is history? At its core, history is the history of things. Perhaps more…

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