• May 29, 2024

How long should a workout take?


Have you ever wondered how long you need to be in the gym before you see a benefit? You aren’t alone. Here’s what you need to know about how long your work out is supposed to be.

Why Workout Duration Matters

Time spent working out is important because it affects the results or benefits that you get out of your efforts. If you spend too much time, then you exhaust yourself and risk overtraining. On the other hand, if you spend too little time, then you might not see any improvements. It is important to make sure that you spend just enough time in order to get the most benefits that you can.

Factors Influencing Workout Length

Fitness Goals

What is your goal? Just health? Weight loss? Or are you trying to build muscle? The goals you have for your workout will greatly impact how long you need to keep moving. For example, most weight-loss routines include a combination of cardio and strength training, which requires more time.

Fitness Level

Are you a beginner or an experienced gym-goer? Beginners could benefit from a shorter workout as they build their exercises stamina and keep from burning out. Experienced people might need a longer session to have a challenging workout.

Type of Workout

In addition, the type of workout you do can dramatically impact the duration.

Time Availability

True, we all have busy lives, and the duration of your workouts is often restricted by schedules, but even short workouts can be effective if done right.

How Long Should Different Workouts Last?

Cardio Workouts

Cardio workouts are typically around 30 or 60 minutes long: run, cycle, or swim for half an hour and your heart will be pounding and your calories sizzling. For endurance, go to the top of the range. 

Strength Training

Strength-training workouts should generally take place for 45 minutes to one hour, with a warm-up and a cool-down built in. Good form and adequate rest between sets both contribute to building muscle.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

HIIT is ideal for those who are pressed for time. Because these workouts generally last between 20 and 30 minutes, they are brief. Yet they can be effective, as long as you work as hard as possible during the high-intensity intervals.

Flexibility and Stretching Sessions

Flexibility sessions – such as yoga or a dedicated stretching session – can run from 30 minutes up to 60 minutes. This is considered essential and not optional, as flexibility aids in recovery and helps to prevent injury.

Balancing Workout Duration with Intensity

As far as performance is concerned, it is not only a matter of how much time you put in for working-out but also the intensity of your sessions. Given that your heart rate has a more significant impact on caloric expenditure – especially compared with slower-paced, low-intensity workouts – high-intensity workouts tend to be far shorter but more efficient in burning calories than your other options. Low-intensity workouts will often have to be longer to produce the same results.

Signs of Overtraining

Exercising too hard is also counterproductive – you can tell your training routine is over the top if you feel exhausted constantly, aren’t doing as well as before, and are highly susceptible to injury. If that’s the case, cut back your workout duration.

Listening to Your Body

Listen to your body. If you feel lousy at the end of an hour and throughout the next couple of days, your body is telling you that you’ve pushed it too far. Or that you’ve pushed it too early. Reduce your workout length, and try again the next day. 

Adjusting Workout Duration Over Time

But the more you do it, the fitter you’re going to get, and the more it’ll take to reach the point where you feel as though you’ve done enough work to justify a reward. Eventually, your workout is going to need to get longer if you want to keep feeling like you’ve earned the reward at the end of it, but start small. Gradually increasing your workout length is the best way to continue challenging yourself as you become more fit.

Tips for Efficient Workouts

Plan Ahead: Have a workout plan to make the most of your time.

Warm-Up Properly: Prevent injuries by starting with a warm-up.

Focus on Compound Movements: These exercises work multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can sap your energy and performance.

Cool Down: Don’t skip the cool-down; it helps with recovery.


So, how long should you workout for? That’s going to depend on what it is you are trying to achieve, your baseline fitness level and what kind of exercise you’re doing, but a good rule of thumb is 30 to 60 minutes. Listen to your body, make your program work for you, pace yourself accordingly, and you’ll get it right. What’s more important than duration is regularity. 


Can I get a good workout in 20 minutes?

Yeah, especially if you’re doing high-intensity interval training [HIIT], you can get a lot of return for your time.

Is it bad to work out every day?

Not necessarily, but you really need to balance your training routine with some ‘recovery’ or ‘light’ days to avoid ‘overtraining’.

How do I know if my workout is too long?

If you’re overly fatigued, sore, or your performance seems to be falling off, your workouts may be too lengthy.

What’s the best workout duration for weight loss?

Do 45 to 60 minutes of cardio along side some strength training most days of the week if you want to lose weight.

Should I work out if I’m sore from the previous day?

You can always do light activity (eg, walk) instead or find another more recovery-friendly workout that uses different muscle groups. Train smartly – it’s about the total load, not just each session. And there you go! A simple, straightforward, data-backed guideline on what is, and what is not, a good workout length for you, depending on your goals. When in doubt, do what you can do and stay consistent. You are your own best coach, so listen to what your body is telling you!


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