• May 16, 2024

Hug Is The Best Medicine

The Science Behind Hugs  When was the last time that you received a great hug? You know, one that makes everything feel just a little bit brighter and your heart just a little bit warmer? Well, other than making us feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, hugs have an impressive catalogue of science-backed benefits…

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Bali Indonesia Why Is It Called The Island Of Paradise?

 How about that? Welcome to Bali, Indonesia. One of the most beautiful places on the planet where nature, culture and adventures abound! It’s a great place to spend some marvelous and luxurious relaxing vacation as well as to make a hectic and full of experiences holiday. Let’s have a look, shall we? The Allure of…

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Coffee Or Tea? Let’s Brew It!

Coffee or tea? Which is better? You drink one in the morning, and it’s a clear decision. Today, we’re going to look at coffee and tea through all the different lenses that they’re seen through – through history, health, caffeine, and culture. The Origins of Coffee and Tea Coffee: From Ethiopia to the Global Stage…

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Understanding Childhood Leukemia

Introduction  Leukemia is cancer of the blood stem cells that start in your bone marrow and move to your lymphatic system. One of the most common cancers afflicting children, it is one we can all learn about because we may need to, someday. In this article, we’re going to walk through what leukemia is, why…

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Mastering the Art of Trading

Welcome to the world of trading! Trading is a skill. Buy and sell, buy and sell, buy and sell again. Whether you are setting out to begin investing or seek to refresh your trading skills, learning about the structure of the market is the first step toward mastering this craft. Trading is more than purchasing…

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The Truth About CKD

Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as the steady and progressive decline in kidney function. Understanding how it impacts your body and how you can manage it is integral to successful treatment. Here you’ll learn all about the pathophysiology of CKD, from its different stages to some of its underlying causes, symptoms…

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The Future Is In Our Hands

Introduction to Palm Reading So, do you have a line on your hand that looks like this? Then you’re probably conceited, right? You see, you’ve got palmistry on the brain. According to the palm, every line and mark, every mound and muck on your hand has something to say about your life – about your…

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Born To Be A Star

Introduction Taylor Swift: More Than Just a Star  Taylor Swift is not just a global pop supernova. She is a phenomenon. She cuts across generations and genres like no other, through her storytelling style of songcraft and her evolution from country sweetheart to pop tsarina.  Early Life and Beginnings Born to Shine: The Early Years…

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Hypertension in Young People: A Growing Concern

Introduction to Hypertension in Young People Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is often thought of as being just ‘old people’s stuff’. Behind the back of the sage-like withered skin is the rock-a-belly heart, pumping with a throaty roar, and, increasingly, seemingly roaring loudest when we are young. Why? Because, if it’s picked up…

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Understanding Veneers: A Complete Guide

How come some celebrities have got such picture-perfect smiles, you’ve probably wondered at some point in your life. My hunch is that the answer is veneers – and if seeing pictures and videos of A-listers give you the idea of having them yourself, I’ll help you learn all there is to know about the (cosmetic)…

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The Most Expensive Teeth in the World

Introduction: The Value of a Smile    Ordinary enough as parts of the human anatomy go, teeth have also been some of the most costly objects ever sold and have enjoyed a long, storied history as cultural artefacts. In this piece, we explore how and why some specific fangs hold the Guinness world record for…

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Oldest Tattoo Artist in The World!

Centenarian Artist:  Whang-od Oggay is a Filipino tattoo artist from the village of Buscalan in Kalinga, in the Philippines. She was born on 17 February 1917, and turned over a 100 years old. She has been practicing Kalinga tattooing.    Traditional Accessories:  Whang-od tattoos using only traditional tools that have been handed down over the…

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What Came First, The Chicken Or Egg?

Science Twist:  Most scientists think it’s a chicken and egg problem except we have the answer, it is the egg that came first. This is because of evolution. The logic is that the dinosaurs were laying eggs long before there were chickens around, which means that an egg containing the first chicken could only have…

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Metallica: Masters of Metal

  Introduction: The Birth of a Legend Metallica was born in the early 1980s with a vision to redefine the face of heavy metal music. Since first forming in August 1981 in Los Angeles, California as a result of guitarist/singer (later lead guitarist) James Hetfield posting an advertisement in a local paper asking for drummers…

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Exploring the Wonders of Nature

What is Nature? A Broad Overview When we think of nature, or ‘wildness’, we are usually thinking of beautiful landscapes: forests, rivers, mountains. And indeed, nature consists of these and other such ‘biomes’. It is the diversity of plants and animals, the ecosystems in which they live and interact with one another and with their…

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Chat GPT - AI-seoservices.com

How to Sell Content Using ChatGPT: A Strategic Guide for Success

In the online arena, it’s all about content – but who’s the king without a strategy? It’s not easy to sell content, especially if you’re not selling yourself. But if you want to go the distance, you need not only good material but also a sharp strategy – and, at times, a helping hand in…

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