• May 29, 2024

What is a Proper Skin Care Routine?


Taking care of your skin – the largest barrier between you and the outside world – is like cultivating a garden. You’ll need some basic tools, a sense of timing and a little bit of patience to watch it blossom. But does all the parade of products and advice leave you wondering where to begin? Then let’s get down to basics with a spin through the essentials of a good – and relatively easy to follow – skin care regimen.

Understanding Your Skin Type

Now, think of your facial skin: before you decide to start slapping on your latest miracle product as if it were the finest chunky compost, it’s essential to know your skin type. 

Normal Skin

Congratulations! Normal skin isn’t too dry or too oily; it’s, well, normal. Personally, all I really ever need to do is maintain. 

Dry Skin

Dry skin can feel tight, coarse or flaky. Think of it as a plant needing a little more watering. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

Oily Skin

Skin that is too oily will result in an imbalance with excessive sebum production (too much water) leading to greasy skin and the possibility of spots. Too much of anything is not good.

Combination Skin

Combination skin is just that – usually oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and dry everywhere else. It needs to be well catered for.

Sensitive Skin

People with sensitive skin may react with slight itching or rashes to a product or environmental factor that doesn’t trouble those with normal skin. This is easy to understand. Sensitive skin is like a fragile flower. 

Basic Components of a Skin Care Routine

There are a handful of basic steps that any good skin care routine should include. These are the yards’ fundamental chores. 


Next is cleansing. Picture weeding your garden. A great cleanser takes away dirt, oil, and makeup without taking away the natural oils from your skin. Try to follow a double-cleansing ritual twice a day – morning and evening.


There’s a reason toner tends to be the ignored middle child of skincare: it restores your skin’s pH and primes it for the next step. Find a formula that’s right for your skin type. 


Likewise, your skin needs water and, just as a thirsty plant will wilt even in the presence of soil, try as it might, a plant without water would bend and wither – the best moisturizer keeps your skin hydrated and locks in the benefits of the preceding stages in your beauty regime.

Advanced Skin Care Steps

Finally, here are some advanced steps to upgrade your routine:


Exfoliation strip off the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, and expose the fresh layer underneath. Remember, less is definitely more, and do it 1-2 times a week only. It’s just like the trimming of your precious potted plants! 

Serums and Treatments

Serums are fertilizer for your skin: ingredients that target one decider, such as wrinkles, or dark spots or acne. You use them after you cleanse and before you moisturize.


Wear sunscreen! Wear sunscreen! No matter what else you do, no matter what else you forget to do, put on the sunscreen. Wear it like a shade cloth. Put it on every morning. It won’t stop wrinkles or skin cancer, but at least you shan’t add liver-spots to that list.

Morning vs. Night Routine

You skin’s needs are indeed different from day to night, just like your garden’s needs are different during the day than they would be at night.

Morning Routine Essentials

First, try the cleanser. Follow it up with the toner. The toner goes on after the cleanser. Now the serum. After the serum comes the moisturizer. Then put on that sunscreen. You’re ready to go out.

Night Routine Essentials

Lastly, wash off the day’s dirt in the evening and apply the cleanser, followed by the toner, treatments or serum and finally a moisturizing cream. If you have problems around your eyeballs, apply some eye cream too.

Adapting Your Routine to Seasons

Just as a gardener makes adjustments to the season’s demands, you should change your skin’s regimen according to the weather.

Winter Skin Care

Winter brings dry indoor air and heating, so look for heavier creams and consider a humidifier.

Summer Skin Care

With summer and its sticky, sweaty heat comes a rise in sebum production. Lighter, oil-free products are called for and sunscreen becomes your friend. 

Common Skin Care Mistakes to Avoid

Even seasoned gardeners can make mistakes. Here are some common skin care faux pas.


Too much of a good thing is not good. Over-exfoliating damages your skin. Stick to a simple regime.

Skipping Sunscreen

Many people don’t apply sunscreen properly or at all, and sure enough, exposing yourself directly to the sun is a sure way to get wrinkles faster. It tells us that sunscreen is necessary even when it’s not super-hot outside. You should put it on every day to avoid wrinkles and skin cancer.

Natural vs. Chemical Products

Nowadays there’s a lot of discussion about natural skin care products and their value to your complexion compared to chemical ones. Natural products are usually gentle to sensitive skin. Chemical ones are considered cutting edge and more effective to target specific treatments. When it comes to beauty, each woman should know what suits her best. 


Great skin care is like any good garden, it needs a regime and the right watering, at the right frequency, and in the right way. And if that doesn’t inspire you, then maybe just say ‘happy skin-caring’ to yourself next time you read those weird lists. 


How often should I change my skin care routine?

Reassess your regimen every season or so – or whenever your skin seems to have different needs. Listen to your skin! 

Can I skip toner?

It is not a mandatory item for everyone, but toners help restore your skin acid PH and eliminate the last bits of dirt and impurities. It’s a nice bonus. 

Is it necessary to use different products for morning and night?

Yes, as your skin has different needs in the day as opposed to at night – it makes sense that you would be using different products on different parts of your skin. A product that protects during the day will be different to one that restores at night.

How can I prevent my skin from breaking out?

Stick to a routine, don’t use harsh products, and always take makeup off with cleanser, every single night. And clean your brushes while you’re at it! 

Are expensive skin care products better?

Not necessarily. Good skin care is about what’s in the product – and using the proper ingredients for your skin type – not how much it costs. There are plenty of drugstore brands that are just as good as the pricier options.


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