• May 14, 2024

What Came First, The Chicken Or Egg?

Science Twist: 

Most scientists think it’s a chicken and egg problem except we have the answer, it is the egg that came first. This is because of evolution. The logic is that the dinosaurs were laying eggs long before there were chickens around, which means that an egg containing the first chicken could only have been laid by something that was not quite a chicken.


Genetic Mutation: 

The egg must have come first, though. The chicken we see today is a kind of bird the genetic mutation would have come from a close relative of some kind of bird. a chance in the genes would make the first genuine chicken. The chick came first, before the chicken it emerged from a bird-like being but not quite chicken yet.


Philosophical View: 

The chicken-and-egg question has been used by philosophers as a metaphor for debates around the issues of causality and what came first – the cause or the effect? Such dilemmas point to the complex nature of existence both here on Earth and out in the wider Universe.


Cultural variations: 

different cultures have different versions of the chicken and egg question. In other creation legends, a chicken is central to the creation story as a symbol of life and fertility.


Infinitely funny: 

There’s a flippant way to look at the joke. Solve the question and you solve all the great unsolved mysteries of the Universe. Especially the one to which it’s sometimes alluded to as being cyclic: almost every (or infinite) solution is no solution at all – a version of the Liars’ Paradox, where other answers merely loop you back to the initial problem.


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