• May 17, 2024

The World of Gourmet Meat

Step into the world of luxury meats. Foodies, this is your stop. If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I love a good luxury lifestyle and I love food. And what better way to combine the two, indulging in the very finest that money can buy? Today, we’ll be sticking out nose in between many dinner rolls, as we explore what the most expensive meats of the world have to offer.

What Makes Meat Expensive?

 Perhaps you’re wondering – why on Earth is some meat so expensive? It is down to several factors such as rarity, variety of the animal, its diet and how it is treated. It’s very much like an equivalence can be drawn to compare some wines with a higher price tag based on the production method or place of origin – the same goes for the meat.

The Role of Rarity and Exclusivity

 Rare breeds, strict hand-rearing and low production numbers combine to make for a high price. Meats from animals raised in particular climates in more restricted regions are usual suspects in this category.

1. Wagyu Beef: The King of Expensive Meats

Origins of Wagyu Beef

 Wagyu beef from Japan is incredibly meaty, hence the name ‘Japanese cow’. Its pronunciation literally means ‘Japanese cow’. These cows are heavily pampered with specially prepared food, sometimes even beer or sake massages (seriously!) which yields tender and full-flavored meat.

What Sets Wagyu Apart?

 Marbling  (intermuscular fat, not to be confused with back fat) is the key ingredient in that melt-in-your mouth deliciousness. And when there’s a bit too much marbling in one section, it just gets sent to Kobe. Best of both worlds. The more marbling, you see, the better the meat (and, correspondingly, the pricier it will be).

Wagyu Grading System

 This meat only attains the top score, A5, if it has the best possible marbling and color, a balanced texture and an abundance of fine fat ready to melt in the mouth. It is the beef equivalent of the Rolls-Royce. 

How to Cook Wagyu Beef

 You must know how to cook Wagyu. You cannot cook it medium-well: its fat content won’t allow it. It’s best to enjoy the meat fully cooked, but what you really need is food for the fat. Just add salt and a little pepper. No need for seasoning.

2. Kobe Beef: A Luxurious Delight

Kobe Beef vs. Wagyu Beef

 Though all Kobe beef is Wagyu, not all Wagyu is Kobe. Confused yet? Kobe beef is Wagyu of a certain provenance, from the Tajima strain of Japanese Black cattle, raised in the Hyogo Prefecture. It’s the champagne of the beef world.

The Rigors of Kobe Beef Certification

 Kobe beef is certified and only around 3,000 cows are certified each year; so it is extremely rare and expensive.

Enjoying Kobe Beef: Best Practices

 Kobe beef is to be savored. Eat it thinly sliced, quick-cooked on a hot grill, and accompanied by simple accompaniments that allow the flavor of the beef itself to shine. 

3. Iberico Ham: Spain’s Gourmet Treasure

The Unique Rearing of Iberico Pigs

 This is Iberico ham, or Jarmon Ibérico as it is known in Spain. Iberico pigs graze freely and feed on acorns, giving the delicious ham an aftertaste reminiscent of nuts.

The Curing Process of Iberico Ham

 The ham is cured for as long as four years; the flavors become extraordinarily complex. It’s tended as reverently, and with as much care, as a fine vintage.

Pairing Iberico Ham with Wine

 For best impact, have some with Spanish wine. A glass of Tempranillo or Sherry brings out the savory, meaty notes in fine Iberico ham. 

4. Matsusaka Beef: Japan’s Hidden Gem

History and Heritage of Matsusaka Beef

 Matsusaka beef, another Japanese treasure, is somewhat less renowned, though no less delicious. The cows are raised in stress-free surroundings. Taste Profile and Cooking Tips

 Matsusaka beef has a rich, buttery marbling and fine flavor, which is best appreciated when simply grilled. 

Price Comparison

Price of Wagyu Beef

Wagyu beef sells for $200 to $500 a pound, depending on grade and origin. The highest grades – A5 in particular – can be even more. This is as pure a luxury food as any.

Price of Kobe Beef

At the high end, Kobe beef can cost up to $300 a pound; on occasion, even higher. That stiff level of certification, along with its sublime taste, makes it one of the world’s most expensive meats.

Price of Iberico Ham

A pound of Iberico ham can already cost $150 to $200; prime cuts, known as Jamón Ibérico de Bellota, well over $300 a pound.

Price of Matsusaka Beef

Matsusaka beef can fetch between $100 to $300 a pound depending on grade – and where it’s purchased. The unusual rearing method together with the quality of the meat makes it a prime cut to splash out on.


 To understand the highest prices paid for meat is to taste the most exquisite foods on the planet. Each of these meats is much more than food – it is an experience, the culmination of care and tradition. If you are willing to spend extra dollars on your next splurge, then treat yourself to the best. 


What is the most expensive meat in the world?

 Perhaps Wagyu beef, particularly Kobe beef, is the most expensive meat because of its marbling and its strict production measures.

How should I store expensive meats?

 Store high-cost cuts in the coldest part of your fridge, preferably vacuum-sealed. When you need to keep it longer, put it in the freezer, but thaw it gradually in the fridge before you cook it.

Are expensive meats healthier?

 They might be more delicious, and more complex in texture, but not necessarily healthier. Though they might, at the very least, come from animals that have been living a life with more space and opportunity, which can only be a good thing. 

Where can I buy these gourmet meats?

 But you can buy them at high-end butcher shops, specialty foods stores, or online shops that sell top-of-the-line meats. 

What is the best way to cook Wagyu beef?

 An easy way to serve Wagyu beef is to simply season with salt and pepper, and cook, no matter what kind of heat source you’re using. Cook it rarely to allow the juicy, buttery mouthfeel to shine.

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