• May 24, 2024

Prejama Castle: A Fortress Like No Other

 Nestled in the rock face, Prejama Castle is a reminder of the ingenuity, tenacity and sheer bravery of mediaeval Europe. Sitting unassuming in east Slovenia, this castle – dubbed the ‘Robin Hood castle’ of the region – has long tempted tourists to find out more about its strategically placed stones and soaring turrets. Let’s explore Prejama Castle together. 

History of Prejama Castle

Early Beginnings

 The Prejama rock castle in Slovenia circa 1605. Dating back to the 13th century, Prejama Castle in Slovenia appears in the first records in 1274 under the ownership of the Patriarch of Aquileia. It was built into the mouth of the cave halfway up a cliff and its location made it perfect for defense. The castle changed hands many times over the centuries as Slovenia underwent turbulent changes of rulers.

The Legend of Erazem of Prejama

 One of the most memorable and enduring myths that attaches itself to the castle is that of the knight-robber baron Erazem of Predjama, who lived at Prejama in the early 15th century, and is celebrated as a proto-Slovenian Robin Hood – a Robin Hood who acted less out of sympathy for the underprivileged than from opposition to Habsburg rule, and who stole from the rich rather than giving to the poor. One particularly resonant legend, which strength- ens his status as folk hero, tells of his successful defence for an entire year against the forces of the Holy Roman emperor Frederick III, who besieged the castle in 1480.

 Legend states that Erazem smuggled supplies into the castle via a series of hidden tunnels, enabling him to hold out for months against the siege before he was shot through a lavatory by a servant, who’d betrayed his position to his pursuers. Ever since, Prejama’s past reads like the plot of a Hollywood hero-story. The demonized outlaw, who had been hidden away in plain sight for centuries, had become a national archetype. Today, a life-size statue outside the castle entrance shows Erazem staring across his moonscape paradise, one arm raised in defiance.

Renaissance Reconstruction

 Following the tumultuous events of the 15th century, Prejama Castle witnessed several modifications. During the late 16th century, the castle was rebuilt in the Renaissance style by the Kobenzl family that owned it at the time. The castle was turned into a more sophisticated feudal residence, and modified with residential quarters, a more refined chapel and the addition of comforts.

Modern Era and Preservation

 There were the challenges and opportunities of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the castle changed hands several times and passed through periods of neglect and restoration, only to sustain damage during the Second World War and become the subject of noble post-war efforts at retention and rehabilitation.

 Today, Prejama Castle is a cultural monument under permanent protection and a popular tourist destination. It has become accessible to the general public, and measures have been taken to make the castle as informative as possible for tourists and other visitors while preserving its historical integrity as much as possible. A museum in the castle gives information about the history of the building, about the life of Erazem, and about the process of developing this peculiar castle.

Prejama Castle and UNESCO

 Lately, there have been attempts to submit Prejama Castle to the UNESCO World Heritage list. By being recognized by UNESCO, the monument would again be in the spotlight of the international public as an historical as well as cultural monument, and, hopefully, preserved for future generations to admire and study. Furthermore, the certification from UNESCO would only promote Prejama Castle as a historical site to visit, boost its popularity among the travelling community and attract more people’s attention from all over the world. 

 Pull Prejama Castle off the map and it would still exist today – not just as a monument to what was, but to what was brilliant and skillfully produced by men and women fighting for their livelihood. Standing in its passages and on its battlements, and hearing the surrounding history, from mediaeval stronghold to Renaissance home, and legend make, Prejama is an enduring present. 

Architecture and Design

Exterior Features

 Prejama Castle purports to look like the setting of a fantasy novel, sitting on top of an 123-metre-high cliff is part of the rock face, with its imposing fortification blending into the razor edges.

Interior Layout

 The castle’s interior is filled with rooms and corridors. They branch off in different directions, and each area serves a purpose for different activities that take place there. These places include bedchambers and dining halls, a chapel and a hall, a great hall, an armoury and a dungeon. The castle can be understood from two perspectives: not only were they real buildings, built to meet basic human needs, but also extravagant icons of life in the Middle Ages for their masters and owners.

Secret Tunnels and Passages

 The most mysterious feature of Prejama Castle, however, is arguably its labyrinth of tunnels: as the name suggests, Erazem allegedly smuggled supplies under siege through the rock-hewn passages that honeycomb part of the buttress. It was also how he controversially escaped from the castle in the end. Visitors can traverse some of these tunnels, and it is from here that one truly begins to sense the castle’s ingenious defensive tactics.

Strategic Importance

Defensive Mechanisms

 Prejama Castle wasn’t just a house. It was a fort. Natural defenses came from its position built into the cliff, but the drawbridges, battlements and defensive walls of Prejama added significant reinforcement.

Natural Fortifications

 Its position in the rock itself made it almost impregnable, because any military assault would have been from the steepness of the rock and would have been very difficult to achieve. This is a key feature in the survival of the castle itself.

Prejama Castle in Popular Culture

Films and Documentaries

 Filmmakers and documentarians have been attracted to Prejama Castle for decades, it’s an ideal setting for a movie or TV project, which only increases its magical allure. 

Literature and Folklore

 The legendary nature of the castle is also evident in the culture and folklore that surrounds it; stories about Erazem, the ghosts that haunt the castle, and the legend of a young man, accused of treachery, who is incarcerated opposite the drawbridge where a beautiful girl reassures and comforts him … passed down in stories from generation to generation over subsequent centuries.

Visiting Prejama Castle

Getting There

 Visitors can reach Prejama Castle easily by car, bus or bicycle through fairly well-developed infrastructure, some 10 kilometers from the nearby town of Postojna.

Guided Tours

 If you want to gain informative knowledge about the history and architecture of the castle, a tour, preferably a guided one is a must.

Best Times to Visit

 However, it should be pointed out that Prejama Castle is open all year long. Nevertheless, probably the best time to go there is in spring and during summer time. Then the weather is warmer which is more pleasant for walking around in the castle and its surroundings. 

Nearby Attractions

Postojna Cave

 No trip to Prejama Castle would be complete without a trip down the road to Postojna Cave, the bowels of Slovenia’s most popular tourist attraction, a vast cave system with gorgeous stalactites and stalagmites.

Other Historical Sites

 The area around Prejama Castle is also rich in history, with several other castles and historic sites. These include Predjama Manor, the ruins of old fortifications and several natural attractions with their own fascinating stories to tell.

Conservation and Preservation

Ongoing Efforts

 Preserving Prejama Castle requires continuing effort. To keep it standing, conservators fend off vine, root, rain, snow and graffiti against the masonry. Meanwhile, visitors enjoy this testament to past glory. 

Importance of Preservation

 Today, the preservation of these castles is vital for the future. They educate us about the past, giving a specific window into mediaeval life, architecture and culture. They also help us appreciate the ingenuity and grit of our ancestors who inhabited them. 

Ghost Stories of Prejama Castle

 Surrounded by its dramatic landscape and rich history, Prejama Castle seems primed for an exciting life, and all the more fertile ground for haunting stories. Popular ghost stories endlessly circle around the castle, and are part of the layered, textured appeal of this mediaeval fortress. Here are some of them:

The Ghost of Erazem of Prejama

 The most famous ghost in Prejama Castle is apparently that of Erazem of Predjama – the late mediaeval knight and freedom fighter – who, according to local legends, roams the castle’s halls and secret passages, particularly the very spots where his life came to an end. Guests and staff have reported hearing odd sounds, such as the eerie clacking of feet in otherwise empty corridors and the eerie whispers of distant, disembodied voices. Many claim to have seen the phantom figure of a knight in armor meandering around the castle premises, more often than not near the dungeon or in the rooms where he spent his time while still alive.

The Mysterious Lady in White

 Another usual guest ghost in Prejama Castle is a Lady in White, who is mostly sighted in the castle’s chapel and living quarters. She is described as a woman dressed in a long white gown, who also comes along with a noticeable drop in temperature. The Lady in White is said to be the spirit of a woman who lived in the castle during the Renaissance era. She has been seen by visitors gliding through the rooms wearing a white dress, sometimes stopping by a window and looking out as if waiting for someone.

The Phantom Servants

 Stories also tell of ghostly servants who once worked in the building. These apparitions are known to be going about their business oblivious to the passing centuries. Visitors have recounted their sensing of a sudden, cold presence or hearing clothing rustling; others swear they have seen spectral figures moving about, especially in the kitchen and serving quarters. Many believe these spirits are attached to the castle because they were so committed to it in life that their service continues in death.

The Haunted Dungeon

 The dungeon of Prejama Castle is one of the creepiest parts of the castle, often quoted in ghost tales. This dark, damp room in the basement of the castle was where they kept their enemies and traitors prisoner. It is said that the spirits of those tortured to death in the dungeon still haunt this area. Many visitors have reported hearing the moans and cries of those who were held captive as if their souls are still trapped in that dank prison cell. Some people who have toured the castle have reported that they felt a chilly, sweaty hand brush against their throats while walking through the dungeon.

The Curse of the Hidden Treasure

 It is also claimed that an ancient curse afflicts the castle: the original owner hid a fortune in its walls before his death, and he placed a curse on the property so no one could find it and steal it. To this day, it is said, anyone who starts looking for the treasure or moves to find it in the castle will be tormented by the ghost of the treasure’s original owner. Some treasure hunters and other visitors have claimed to feel an oppressive unease or have wings of the wind that tried to keep them away from diving for the rumored riches.

Paranormal Investigations

 World-travelling paranormal investigators have visited Prejama Castle to search for ghosts, while ghost hunters have been bustling around inside, wielding EMF readings, K2 meters, laser grids, electromagnetic field testers and FLIR cameras to try to detect supernatural presence. These teams have reported the usual paranormal suspects, including orbs, shadows and EVPs, thus giving further credence to the many ghost stories that are told to tourists and locals alike.

The Legend of the Screaming Portrait

 One of the rooms in the castle harbors a centuries-old portrait of an unknown man, and there is a popular legend that screams can be heard at night from the painting. According to reports, blood-curdling screams can be heard coming from the direction of the portrait, especially when it rains heavily and the storm adds to the eeriness of the castle’s atmosphere.

 These reports of ghosts, brought by overactive imaginations or actual supernatural phenomena, only add to the mysterious and ghoulish allure of Prejama Castle which draws tourists from all over the world who hope to experience just a little haunting of their own. Prejama is as much a destination for paranormal activity enthusiasts as it is for visitors interested in history. 


 At the same time, Prejama Castle is a monument to the skill and durability of man, both in construction and in determination. The co-existence of the Castle’s natural and man-made defenses, its turbulent history and the murky story of its notorious inhabitants (I was more than fascinated by the Felix character) make Prejama Castle a place of pilgrimage for the historically minded tourist and the casual Sunday traveler alike. Prejama Castle offers a real taste of history in a sequence of historical moments. It is real, it is palpable. It is possible to walk around within its walls, underground, overlooking its moat, and feel like you were actually there – travelling back in time, instead of tumbling and parachuting. 


How old is Prejama Castle?

The castle of Prejama dates back to the 13th century, though it also had renovations and extensions in the 16th century. 

Can you tour the secret tunnels?

Definitely that, a guided tour usually includes a visit to some of the secret tunnels in the castle, and how ingenious its defensive strategies were.

Is Prejama Castle haunted?

 Many legends and ghost stories that became attached to the castle over the centuries still add to its je ne sais quoi. A3: Many hugely popular novels with spooky connections set at Prejama Castle were written, contributing to the haunted feel.

How long does a typical visit to Prejama Castle last?

A regular visit (including the guided tour) lasts about 1.5-2 hours, but you have to allow some additional time to leisurely walk the immediate surroundings.

Are there any annual events at Predjama Castle?

Of course, the castle organizes several events per year, such as mediaeval reenactments, festivals and cultural shows, thus helping to enrich the tourist experience.


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