• May 22, 2024

Ping Xi Lantern Festival

 There is a light festival in Taiwan called Pingxi that is nothing less than a wonderland of sky lanterns. Thousands of them fill the skyline, creating a truly magical panorama. So, hurry up and buy your tickets for this light festival! Hey, there! Guess what? There is this amazing light festival in Taiwan that is nothing less than a wonderland of sky lanterns – throw away your worries, go to Taiwan, and enjoy!

Symbolism of the Lanterns 

 Each balloon carries the hope of one person, representing a wish or a prayer. As the lantern floats up, it carries one’s dreams into the heavens. Release is symbolic and cathartic, an act of hope and of ‘letting go’. 

Community and Family Bonds 

 Family and communal involvement is also important — and the work of crafting and launching the lantern occurs most of the time among family and friends. In this way, the festival not only features visual spectacle, but forges and strengthens bonds through lantern-making. 

Preparation for the Festival

 One of the best parts is making your own lantern; traditionally made from bamboo and oiled rice paper, they are easily constructed and decorated. |

The Art of Writing Wishes 

 Writing wishes on the lanterns is part of this message, slowing the process down, asking people to engage in reflection as they make their final statements. What wish do you want to bring into the world? Here’s mine. Charlie, don’t, don’t trust me.

Choosing the Right Time to Release 

 The timing is crucial. If you launch your lantern at the right moment, on a clear night with light winds, your lantern would rise with ease and at a lazy pace, keeping it aloft longer.

The Festival Day

 Day of the festivals also marks the beginning of numerous rites. Most of the natives are paying a visit to the temples to encourage divinity to bless their day.

Daytime Activities 

 By day, Pingxi swarms with life. Markets sprout up, selling local crafts, foods and souvenirs. Traditional shows and parades take place.

Lantern Release 

 People wait at Shifen Old Street, the center of the festival, as the day draws to a close. Crowds have gathered at this popular pass-through to the Pingxi District to release their lanterns.

Festive Foods and Delicacies

Must-Try Dishes

And what is a festival without food? At Pingxi, you can buy plenty of traditional local delicacies, from juicy fried dumplings to soft pineapple cakes; try a mug of Machi (Hakka ground tea) originally from Taiwan – called ‘lei cha’ in Chinese (lei can be considered as ‘ground’).

Street Food Experiences

Food stalls on the street offering diverse street food would be everywhere. Imagine a sweet smell from roasted meat, red-brown pastries, sizzling snacks everywhere. 300 words.

Essential Preparations for Visitors

Booking Accommodations

Popular Hotels and Guesthouses

After all, your first priority will be to secure lodgings. Fortunately, Pingxi has accommodation options for most budgets. There are plenty of quaint inns and small hotels in town, and they all have basic amenities for a comfortable stay.

Alternative Lodging Options

Otherwise try a homestay, a vital source of local hospitality – and insider tips on where to go to see and be seen at the festival.

Travel Arrangements

Best Modes of Transportation

Part of the fun of going to Pingxi is getting there. You take a train to Ruifang Station from Taipei, then transfer to a bus to Pingxi. Part Way there, the railway wends through lovely valleys of sweet-corn fields and orchards of lychees and longans.

Navigating Local Transit

Once you are in Pingxi, everything gets easier – it is a very walkable town, there are loads of local buses, and taxis are readily available. You can even rent yourself a bike and tool around, which is an enjoyable experience.

Packing Essentials

Weather-Appropriate Clothing

It’s weather day, actually: the festival can get chilly, especially at night, so bring layers. A raincoat or umbrella would be a good idea too, just in case.

Festival Must-Haves

Bring a good camera: you’re bound to take some photos of the lanterns. Comfortable shoes: lots of walking. A backpack: you’ll need it.

Engaging with Local Traditions

Etiquette and Cultural Sensitivity

When visiting, be aware of local customs: take off your shoes where you are supposed to and bow a tiny bit to elders to show respect.

Learning Basic Mandarin Phrases

A few words of Mandarin – ni hao (hello) and xie xie (thank you) work well – can get you a long way, which is necessary if you plan to venture away from the big cities and interact with locals.


But you will get a better sense of its history and culture, and enrich your connection with others around you – especially if the celebration has prepared well, and takes time to explain the event and its traditions while you sleep on the floor and eat sticky rice with chopsticks and drink fermented tea with the locals. Shooting lanterns is a magical, otherworldly experience, and I can definitely recommend it. But you might want to prepare your plant roots for that journey back to Earth, or else you might take it much more literally than you initially planned.


What is the best time to visit Pingxi for the festival?

The festival happens on the first full moon of the Lunar New Year, usually in February or March.

How do I write my wishes on the lanterns?

The vendors will have markers for you to write your wish on the lantern; then float it away.

Are there any safety concerns with the sky lanterns?

For safety, the festival allows only set release locations, so please follow the rules.

Can I bring my own sky lanterns?

The best way to do that is to purchase the lanterns from local vendors, as they are tested for quality and pose less risk than buying them from international websites (not to mention the benefit of supporting local businesses).

What other attractions can I visit in Pingxi?

Aside from the lantern festival, you can stroll the length of the Pingxi Old Street, visit Shifen Waterfall and hike the nearby trails for a full day’s worth of activities.


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