• May 21, 2024

Let’s Talk About Glutathione

What is Glutathione?

 So first things first, GSH is an endo antigen. An antioxidant. It is synthesized by cells, in particular by the liver cytosol, and it is present everywhere in the human body. Now GSH is composed of three amino acids: glutamine, glycine and cysteine.

Why is Glutathione Important?

 Glutathione, with a little help from our other antioxidant friends, is there to keep us healthy by neutralizing free radicals, detoxifying nasties and helping to keep our immune systems in tip-top shape. Without it, we’d be sickly, as toxins and bugs would overwhelm our defenses.

Glutathione Structure and Function


 At the molecular level, glutathione is a tripeptide – in other words, a molecule with three amino acids bound together, which is essential to its potency and usefulness in the living body.

Mechanism of Action

 Glutathione donates electrons to the molecules of stable compounds (free radicals), making them stable, harmless and non-reactive molecules. To understand how glutathione works, picture an overzealous young man at a club. Glutathione acts like a bouncer – saying to free radicals: ‘Look, don’t make trouble or you’re out of here.’ 

Natural Sources of Glutathione

Foods Rich in Glutathione

 Delicious and helpful broccoli, spinach, avocados, and asparagus are also great sources of it.’ We are what we eat, so colour your diet with brilliant shades of veggies and fruits. Not simply for fancy salads, but because they are teeming with this little wonder that fizzles away damaging free radicals.


 If your diet is not up to par, you can pop some glutathione supplements of your choice – tablets, capsules, and even liquid form are available. Just make sure it’s a quality brand.

Benefits of Glutathione

Antioxidant Properties

 Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects cells from oxidative stress and damage, causing disease and ageing.


 And this tiny molecule also helps to neutralize toxins to keep you healthy, vibrant and free from sickness in your amazing body.

Immune System Support

 Suffering from a cold? Your glutathione might be at a zinc-deficiency low. Take it, and you’ll boost your immune system and make infections easier to fight.

Skin Health

 Need good skin? For duller days, glutathione will make yours glow. It decreases oxidative stress in skin cells, which will make you look younger and brighter.

How to Boost Your Glutathione Levels

Diet and Nutrition

 Eating a healthy plant-based diet, particularly foods rich in Sulphur such as garlic, onions and the like, will boost concentration of glutathione.

Lifestyle Changes

 Exercise, stress reduction and sleep, you know; all the usual factors that play a part in good health. 

Supplements and Dosage

 And if you do choose to take supplements, definitely consult a healthcare professional first for the dosage to use. 

Common Myths About Glutathione

Debunking Misconceptions

 There is so much mythology out there. People think that more glutathione is always better. It isn’t. There can be too much. We got into this work at the National Institutes of Health in large part because individuals always hope to take more, worse and better supplements, and we can’t be the ones to tell them not to. Balance is the important thing.

Facts vs. Fiction

 Yet another is that glutathione is a miracle cure: it’s been touted as a panacea for everything from cancer to ageing. But glutathione can do wonderful things. In order to benefit from its help, however, it doesn’t hurt to manage your expectations, and accept your role as the principal responsible for your own health.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

Understanding Risks

 Ultimately, glutathione supplements are generally harmless though they can cause bloating or allergies, so monitor how you feel, but the No BS Detox Diet drops the ball on its most important and sweeping assertions: glutathione is essential for virtually every cell in the body, and such supplements can actually save lives. While that might be true for an athlete or someone who drinks heavily, for almost everyone else, though, there’s really no need to waste money on supplements.

Who Should Avoid Glutathione Supplements?

 People with certain medical conditions and those taking certain prescription and over-the-counter medications should not take glutathione supplements. Talk to a healthcare provider before you try any new supplement. 


 From protecting your immune system and supporting your joints, it’s the master antioxidant and multi-tasker for a healthy body. In addition to getting it from food, supplements can be an option. Whatever method you choose, giving your body the glutathione it needs will get you closer to your optimum health and wellness. 


What is the best way to take glutathione?

 Glutathione is best taken by a combo-approach of food and supplementation. The food must be natural so you are consistent with the principles of health and supplements must be high quality so you gain the result you desire to get.

Can you get enough glutathione from food?

 While there are foods you can eat to boost your glutathione levels , it’s always hard to get much in foods alone.  

Are there any side effects of glutathione?

 This is known as the amplification of a signal: some individuals will get side effects – bloating, say, or even allergic reactions – others might simply be particularly susceptible to the effects of glutamate. Be patient, and start on a low dose.

How long does it take to see results?

 It depends on the person. They might feel like it works within a few weeks. They might have to wait a couple of months. Be consistent. 

Can glutathione help with weight loss?

 Although glutathione isn’t a weight loss supplement and doesn’t have any effects  on weight loss, it does have detoxifying and antioxidant qualities that support your health.


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