• May 20, 2024

Are You Brave Enough To Try Cat Poop Coffee?

What is Cat Poop Coffee?

 Also known as civet coffee or Kopi Luwak after the fruit-loving civet cat, whereby the coffee cherry is eaten, fermented in the gut, and voided, the beans are collect-washed-roasted to create the globally renowned, smooth by any measure, syrupy, dark recipe, Cat poop coffee.

The Origins Of Cat Poop Coffee

Discovery in the Wild

The story begins in the forests of Indonesia, where local farmers noticed that civet cats ate ripe coffee cherries and defecated out the bean seeds. Once the cats’ droppings were collected, washed and roasted, they found that the beans had a distinct taste and smell. Civet coffee was born.

The Role of Civet Cats

Civets or Asian palm civets (Note: yes, we’ll stick with calling it civet coffee from hereon in.) It’s nocturnal, with an excellent sense of smell. It feeds at night on coffee trees and picks only the ripest coffee cherries. The beans pass through civet digestive systems, where they are fermented and this fermentation is believed to add to the flavor of the coffee, while also breaking down proteins that can cause bitterness.

The Unique Production Process

Harvesting the Beans

The beans harvested from the civets’ droppings are not ready for market, however. That comes next, when their dung is ‘collected’ and raked through to find the precious little juicy morsels soaked in civet gut juices. This part of the process might not be to everyone’s palate, but it is the key to the coffee’s special qualities. The beans are then harvested, often from ‘the wild’, with as little interruption to the civets’ natural space as possible.

Processing and Cleaning

Then the beans should be well cleaned after collecting to make sure that nothing remains on the surface of any of the beans which is because of hygiene and also to make sure that the beans are good to be used.

Then after the cleaning, the beans should be dried and hulled to make ready for the roasting process.

Roasting the Beans

The beans are then roasted. Coffee flavors and aromas tend to come about spontaneously through a complicated chemical process, roasting triggering it and bringing out the flavors. 

The Taste Profile of Cat Poop Coffee

Flavor Notes and Aroma

But what does cat poop coffee actually taste and smell like? According to enthusiasts, it’s smooth and comfortingly thick, with little or no bitterness. Flavor notes can include chocolate and caramel, and occasionally a touch of earth. The aroma is also unique – sweet and slightly fruity.

Comparing to Regular Coffee

An added benefit is that it is less bitter and smoother than regular coffee, since the beans are fermenting as they dwell inside the digestive tract of a civet. The intensity of the coffee bean proteins are broken down, accentuating the natural sweetness of the roasted bean.

The Economics of Cat Poop Coffee

Cost and Market Price

At $100 to $600 a pound – the most expensive coffee in the world – civet coffee is painstakingly collected and roasted.

Demand and Supply

There is a high demand, because civet coffee is very much in demand among coffee snobs and foodies, although still rather limited in supply. The extreme length of the supply chain is primarily due to the fact that civet coffee relies on the foraging behavior of civets in the wild and on farmers collecting their faeces with the greatest humane considerations in mind.

Ethical Concerns and Sustainability

Animal Welfare

Humane treatment as well as preservation of the natural habitat of the civets are two key ethical issues raised by the practice of civet coffee. Some civets are kept captive in poor conditions in order to provide massive amounts of civet coffee. Seeing there are alternatives to currently strict control measures like culling, it is a must for consumers to ensure civet coffee is elegantly produced ethically and in accordance with environmentally friendly standards.

Environmental Impact

Sustainability is another issue. As the market for civet coffee grows, environmental degradation will increase if the production of the coffee is not regulated. Ethical sourcing should ensure environmental conservation and the sustainability of local ecosystems.

How to Brew the Perfect Cup

Brewing Methods

With cat poop coffee, it behooves you to try to maximize its exotic flavors. French press, pour-over or in a syphon – anything other than drip.

Tips for Enhancing Flavor

If you really want to maximize your civet coffee experience, you should use fresh filtered water, maintain the correct water temperature (around 195-205°F), and grind fresh beans just before brewing.

The Cultural Impact of Cat Poop Coffee

Popularity in Different Countries

Nowadays, civet coffee, which has gained one of the highest prices in the world coffee market, is very popular in Japan, the US and a few parts of Europe etc., as a luxury beverage as well as a participant of Gourmet Trip.

Media and Pop Culture

Additionally, civet coffee’s unusual production process has ensured it appears in many TV programmes, films and articles, further driving its aura and appeal.

Is Cat Poop Coffee Worth the Hype?


Unique Flavor Profile

 Idiosyncratic Taste: Purveyors of civet poop coffee (aka ‘kopi luwak’) claim that it has a different taste than conventional coffee: the fermentation in the civet’s gut smooths it out and makes it less bitter, and introduces chocolate and caramel notes and sweetness that are impossible to achieve with regular coffee.

 Aromatic Experience: It smells good. Civet coffee smells sweet with a slight fruity tang. Perhaps this makes a difference.

Rarity and Exclusivity

 Luxury Item: Because it is a rare commodity and takes a long time to produce for every cup, cat poop coffee is a luxury item, which demonstrates status for those advanced-level coffee fanatics.

 Serving or gifting civet coffee is a good way to break the ice since its unusual mode of production and distinctive taste serve as a subject for discussion. 

Natural Fermentation Process

 Greater Pleasure: The fermentation that takes place in the civet’s digestive system eliminates protein that can cause coffee to taste bitter, making it smoother and more popular.

 Lower acidity: It also results in a coffee that is typically lower in acidity, making it gentler on the stomach, especially for those who don’t love the acidity of regular coffee.

Cultural and Historical Significance

 Rich History: Civet production in Indonesia dates back to the colonial period – telling (and sharing) its history can further enrich your understanding of the coffee. 

 Cultural Significance: Its wide-ranging dissemination in countries around the world and its presence within media and pop culture, makes it a cultural feature of global coffee culture and not just a beverage.


High Cost

 Cons: one of the biggest disadvantages of cat litter coffee is the price. It can be sold at $100 to $600 per lb., the most expensive coffee in the world. The high mechanism of production is one the main reasons highly determine the high cost of cat litter coffee.

 Luxury in Place of Need: Because of its expense, it is seen rather as a luxury than an everyday necessity, so that the average person cannot make use of it. 

Ethical Concerns

 Animal welfare: There are some very serious ethical issues involved in the way some civet cats are treated. Some of the civets are kept in captivity in poor conditions to produce this coffee, which can stress them and lead to health issues.

 Ethical sourcing: It’s important for consumers to support ethically sourced civet coffee, such as animal welfare issues, for example, and ensuring that the civets are given the freedom to live in their natural habitats. This can be difficult as not all producers are working ethically. 

Environmental Impact

 Sustainability Problems: If civet coffee grows in popularity, it could put too much strain on the environment. In order to meet growing demand, suitable land may be destroyed through deforestation.

 Almost No Impact on Ecosystems: Also ethically significant is the impact of suggesting ethical sourcing to prevent any negative impact on local ecosystems and/or the global biodiversity.

Variable Quality

 Unpredictable Flavor: The flavor of civet coffee is also unpredictable at various levels: what type of food the civet eats; the location where the beans were roasted (or collected); and the extent to which ‘wild’ techniques were used. 

Authenticity Problems: Because of the high price, fakes are a problem. One might be offered a regular coffee bean by a vendor masquerading as civet coffee. This again highlights the importance of finding a reliable supplier.

Acquired Taste

Cognitive Barrier: The fact that these coffee beans have been excreted by a mammal may be a cognitive barrier for some people, making it difficult for them to not only appreciate but even to taste civet coffee.

 Narrow Appeal: Albeit touted by connoisseurs for its distinct flavor, not everyone might like its taste profile. Not all people like the flavor of civet coffee.

Personal Experiences

It is helpful to note that those who have given the drink a whirl consider it very smooth and complex. Nonetheless, this is a bit of a niche product and subjective opinions on cat poop coffee vary. I must say that it is surely an adventure to try this novel type of coffee.


Whether you enjoy drinking it or not, it’s hard not to admit that cat poop coffee is one of the strangest and most interesting coffees in the world. Its flavor is rich and complex, the history behind it is mind-blowing and the process it takes from one end to the other is unbelievably interesting. If you’re a coffee aficionado, cat poop coffee could very well be worth a try providing there are ethical considerations taken into account by who you purchase from and that they put animal welfare and sustainability at the forefront of their production.


What is cat poop coffee?

Civet coffee, or cat poop coffee, is made from coffee beans which have been eaten and excreted by civet cats. These beans are then washed and roasted.

How does cat poop coffee taste?

It’s creamy and smooth, with notes of chocolate and caramel but without bitterness.

Why is cat poop coffee so expensive?

The main reason for this is that since coffee cherries – the small, greenish-red fruits that enclose the bean – have to be picked by hand, dried, and then roasted, and since coffee is 

Is civet coffee ethical?

There are of course ethical considerations, especially the treatment of civet cats. However, make sure you’re buying ethically sourced coffee that helps to ensure animals are treated correctly.

How do you brew cat poop coffee?

Appropriate preparation methods include French press, hand-pour, and syphon brew. Fresh filtered water and grinding the beans just prior to brewing will enhance the flavor.

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