• May 23, 2024

What To Eat When You’re Focused On Working Out


You’ve made a decision to hit the gym with a vengeance: you’re in a workout groove and you know it, but how about that diet stuff? It can make all the difference in the world if you eat the right food for the right thing – you know, if you work out, you need to know what you eat. Here’s what to eat if you work out.

Importance of Nutrition in Workouts

What you eat is just as vital as the exercises you do. Your body is like a car. If you put the wrong gas in it, it’s not going to run right. Correct nutrition will fuel your body before your workout, help sustain you through it and help you recover afterwards.

Fueling Your Body

You need the right balance of macronutrients for fuel and function. You need carbs to provide energy, proteins to build and repair muscle (think of your biceps), and fats to provide a steadier fuel source (think during a long run).

Recovery and Growth

Once you’re done in the gym — once you’ve broken down your muscles — proteins go to work repairing and growing you stronger. Carbs replete your carbohydrate stores, your engines for enhancing performance in the next session.

Pre-Workout Nutrition

Timing Your Meals

You should also eat the right thing and the right time. In an ideal situation, two to three hours before doing any vigorous training, enjoy a well-rounded wholesome meal. Or, if you’re looking for a quick hit fueling pre-workout snack, 30 to 60 minutes before your workout, eat a small snack.

Best Pre-Workout Foods

Whatever it is you plan to do, whatever workout you’re working on, you can raise the odds of playing your A game with your choice of pre-exercise fuel. Sometimes, there is no food needed; but it can help and, at other times, it can hurt. Here are several pre-exercise choices that come well recommended.


Think of carbs as your body’s main energy source. They’re the nutrition from oatmeal, whole grain bread, or even a banana to quickly get you going.


That’s (among other reasons) what proteins are for. The muscle-mass avatar. Look on a food label or at a nutrition chart and identify a handful of the best, or more accurately, the richest, sources of protein. A small portion of chicken. A small portion of yogurt. A protein shake. They prepare your muscles for what’s about to happen next.



While not quite as fast a fuel supply, you need fat to sustain you for longer periods of exercise. Nuts, avocados and a little bit of olive oil can offer you the staying power you need.

During Workout Nutrition


Stay hydrated. Water can work just fine, but you would do well, especially for those longer sessions, to consider a sports drink, especially one with electrolytes, to replace the ones you sweat out. 

Quick Energy Boosters


Sometimes, however, it’s necessary to give yourself an assist. A banana or a couple of handfuls of raisins offer an instant shot of sugar without extra weight. 

Post-Workout Nutrition

Replenishing Glycogen

When you work out, you use up your glycogen stores. Eating carbs replenishes those stores. Imagine your body is like a tank for gas, and carbs are gasoline. After a car ride, if you don’t get gas, you aren’t going anywhere.

Muscle Recovery Foods


After working out is best for protein. It will help you build some new muscle mass. Try some eggs for your protein or any lean meat. A protein shake is also a good choice.


Pair carbs and protein together following a workout to accelerate recovery. A turkey sandwich on whole meal bread or a fruit and yoghurt smoothie work well.

Balanced Diet for Workout Enthusiasts

Macronutrient Balance

A good diet is based on the right amounts of carbs, proteins and fats. Each of us needs to consume the right amount of each macronutrient to keep us healthy or even provide energy during exercise.

Micronutrients and Their Role

Vitamins and minerals can’t be overlooked, either; or basics such as iron, calcium and vitamins D and C that maintain your energy level and make your bones strong.

Meal Planning and Preparation Tips

Preparing Ahead

If you want to always have the appropriate foods ready, plan your meals in advance. Meal prepping helps you to save time and stick to your nutrition targets.

Healthy Snacking

Good snacks can help prevent reaching for junk-food alternatives – think on-the-go nuts, fruit and yoghurt.

Supplements: Do You Need Them?

Protein Supplements

But if plant-based protein makes you spend valuable minutes in the kitchen, and you’re running out of the house for a meeting, you can always go for a quick protein supplement: whey, casein, lentil, rice, pea or hemp protein powders are all good.

Vitamins and Minerals

Overall, it’s always best to get your nutrients from food, but supplements can support a healthy diet. A daily multivitamin or specific vitamin and mineral supplements, such as fish oil or vitamin D, can be useful for overall health. 

Natural vs. Synthetic

Also when choosing supplements, because your body might be able to use more of the natural ones. If possible, always go for whole-food-based supplements.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Skipping Meals

If you skip breakfast to go to the gym, you won’t have the energy to complete the workout session. Eat small, balanced meals throughout the day.

Overeating “Healthy” Foods

People sometimes think that because something is healthy they should be able to eat as much as they want. The truth is that nuts and avocados, for instance, are great for you but they are also very high in calories, so pay attention to how much you eat.


Similarly, the right foods balanced with the proper times to eat them have a direct impact on your fitness goals. Fuel your body before, during and after a workout to maximize every movement and better recover. It’s not just what you eat, but when. Drink up, plan ahead and listen to your body. 


What should I eat before a workout if I’m short on time?

 A few bites of a banana, a cluster of nuts… can go a long way in terms of energy.

Is it better to eat before or after a workout?

 Both are important. Eating before gives you energy for your workout and eating after aids recovery. 

How much water should I drink during a workout?

Aim for about 7-10 ounces of water every 10-20 minutes during exercise.

Are protein shakes necessary for muscle gain?

 You don’t need them, exactly, but they’re certainly convenient: the majority of protein you should aim to get will come from ‘complete’ sources in whole foods. (Though grains and legumes would make a sufficiently diverse, complete protein for vegetarians and vegans too.)

Can I eat junk food if I’m working out regularly?

 Still, occasional treats won’t derail your progress nearly as much as all-out bingeing, so aim for something close to a wholesome diet most of the time.


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