• May 20, 2024

Bhangarh Fort: India’s Most Haunted Fortress

 At the foothill of the Aravalli Range in Rajasthan is Bhangarh Fort, one of the magnificent forts in the state with a grave and haunted history. This 17th century war fort – that as per the boundaries listed on a stone inscription is spread over one kilometer – is believed to be one of the most haunted places in the country. So why exactly is Bhangarh Fort so spooky? Let’s take a glance at the mysteries and legends that surround Bhangarh Fort.

The Legend of Bhangarh Fort

The Curse of the Wizard

 Legend has it that, as part of his plan, the wizard Singhia stole a perfume from the princess that he planned to use to woo her. However, when Ratnavati discovered what he intended, she broke the perfume bottle. unbeknown to Singhia, the contents of the bottle had magical powers, and it was this curse that led to the destruction of the fort and everyone that lived there.

The Princess and the Potion

 The princess had guessed that the wizard wanted to drink the potion, so she swapped it with the GI Joe’s and had the wizard drink his own concoction instead. As the wizard was dying, he cursed the entire region to decay eternally and leave Bhangarh in a perpetual desolation.

Historical Background

Construction and Architecture

 Bhangarh Fort was built in 1573 by Bhagwant Das, the ruler of Amber. Exceptional Rajasthani architecture with ornate carvings and a mix of Hindu and Mughal styles is evident.

Key Historical Events

 The fort has been the scene of several battles and many dynasties have come and gone since its construction a few centuries ago, making this place all the more creepy, particularly as a ghost town.

The Haunted Reputation

Paranormal Activities

 Many visitors and locals have reported ghost sightings and sounds with no apparent cause, especially after sunset, further adding to the fort’s haunted aura. The stories of spectres wandering the grounds fuel these tales.

Queer Sounds: The most common experiences occurring at Bhangarh Fort revolve around sounds – the unexplained sounds. People have claimed to hear footsteps, whispers and mysterious music coming from the fort’s walls, mainly at night.

Ghosts: Several witnesses reported seeing ghosts, especially in the fort’s more isolated areas. Guests describe these as shadowy silhouettes that vanish when approached.

Cold Spots: We also observe cold spots frequently, meaning that the temperature drops fast in some parts of the fort. These cold spots really focus the report, so it’s possible for there to be spirits nearby.

Feeling of Being Watched: The majority of our visitors mentioned that they get the feeling of being watched or followed as they’re going around the fort. This sensation is much more prevalent in the darker, less visited areas of the complex.

Mysterious Lights: People have also reported having seen flickering lights that seem to move around the fort after dark. These spotlights are often said to be due to the restless spirits of former residents haunting the grounds.

Visitor Experiences

 Several visitors have heard strange whispers or felt pushed or prodded by someone or something unseen. Likewise, the fort is popular with ‘ghost hunters’ and other thrill-seekers.

An eerie experience: one visitor said: ‘We went to the fort with my friends. We heard anklets. It was very clear. We paused and turned. No one was there. We thought our ears were deceiving us. The sound started following us and continued until we came out of the fort.

A silent shove: a group of tourists felt a forceful, invisible push when they entered one of the fort’s narrow hallways. The sudden jolt left them jittery and convinced of the paranormal.

Whispering Walls: Several visitors have reported that the walls of Bhangarh Fort whisper. They have heard faint voices and quiet conversations even when there was no one else nearby.

The Vanishing Shadow: There was also a story about a tourist who thought he saw a dark shadow at a distance and walked towards it, thinking it was a tourist climbing down. When he got close, he found that the figure had vanished completely.

Paranormal picture problems: Some guests have complained of electronic equipment errors. Batteries die out quickly. Devices fail erratically. Something in the fort is doing it.

The Sagan Brand: A sceptic visited Bhangarh Fort intent on proving it a myth. Instead, after feeling sudden chills and seeing inexplicable shadows, he left with more questions than answers.

Group Experiences: While visiting the fort, a group of friends experienced a sudden sensation of foreboding heaviness in the air; they said the atmosphere was so thick with dread and foreboding that they cut their tour short half an hour in, and left the fort immediately.

The Solo Traveler:  During the dusk I visited the fort and felt the melancholy, I heard incessant soft sobbing sounds coming from the inner chambers of the fort.

Exploring Bhangarh Fort

Key Attractions Inside the Fort

 The fort complex suitably decked with temples, palaces and market places has a unique story of each. Must visit is the main palace, the renowned Gopinath Temple and Someshwar Temple.

The Surrounding Area

 Beyond the fort, the view of the Aravalli Range and the greenery is beautiful, albeit eerie as well.

Visiting Bhangarh Fort

Best Time to Visit

 The right time to visit Bhangarh Fort is the winter season from October to March, when the weather is pleasant. Visitors are requested to visit during the day, as the fort is closed after sunset. 

Travel Tips and Precautions

Make sure you have water with you, wear sensible shoes, and be respectful of local customs. Ghosts abound, so be sure to clear out of the fort area before dark. 


 The Bhangarh is still mysterious and full of legend to this day. It attracts attention. People from everywhere have come here to experience Bhangarh Fort and the legend shrouding the mysterious ancient fort.


Is Bhangarh Fort really haunted?

 A number of people believe it is, due to lots of reports that the place is haunted. But these reports are just people claiming to see something paranormal, and rumors.

Can you stay overnight at Bhangarh Fort?

 Not at all. People are not allowed to stay overnight, not even for a single night, because of safety issues and the violent nature of its history. It is also closed to the public from sunset until sunrise.

How do I reach Bhangarh Fort?

 Bhangarh Fort is a place that can be reached by car. It is 85 km from Jaipur and 230 km from Delhi and you can take a taxi. 

Are there guided tours available?

 Yes, there are guided tours that would be interesting and informative to hear some of its history and legends.

What should I wear when visiting Bhangarh Fort?

 You are encouraged to come in comfortable clothes and sturdy shoes, and to wear respectful clothing (a historical site, after all).


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